Sweet Red Lemonade

Sweet Red Lemonade

Hey, y’all! We’re wrapping up our frozen drink month with another DELISH beverage to keep you cool and happy in this summer heat! This one is the perfect mix of summer staple & wine snob. We can say that, right?! Because we definitely just did. Anyway — without...
Piña Moscata

Piña Moscata

Hey, friends! We hope your summer is going well and you’ve been able to enjoy alllll the fun summer activities with your families and friends. As you may remember from our Fourth of July drink, we’re doing a fun little ‘frozen wine recipes’ theme this month, and...
Watermelon Splash

Watermelon Splash

Ok, can we all agree that sunshine and summer and high temps are literally the redemption song of the WEIRDEST spring ever?! Because that’s how we feel..and it deserves celebration! And since we will take ANY reason to celebrate with wine around here, we have a...