Love is in the air over here and we are so excited about it! Whether you’re spending V-Day with your spouse, your gals, or you’re flying solo this year, we have the perfect little treat to help you celebrate!
If you’ve been around here for any amount of time, you know that we are big believers in a good wine pairing…and more specifically, we’re big believers that Lindt chocolate really is the best compliment to our wines! But wait — it gets better. How about adding a mini-waffle complete with whipped cream and fruit topping?! Oh.Yes. Happy Valentine’s Day to us!

Here’s what you’ll need:
Waffle iron (we went with this darling heart shaped mini iron)
Waffle mix
Whipped cream
Strawberries (or fruit of your choice)
Lindt chocolate
We chose to pour a glass of our amazing Myles & Moore Cabernet Sauvignon to sip on and may we just add — we nailed it. This cab was the perfect wine to enjoy with our waffles!

No matter what this Valentine’s Day holds for you, we hope you give a little extra love and feel a little extra in return. No matter what life looks like, we all get the choice to choose love. And that’s a cause we can get behind!

Cheers, friends! Xoxo!