Calling all cherry lovers! This drink is for all you red-candy-picking people who love all things cherry flavored! The bonus — it’s cherry MIXED with our delicious Chalkboard Rosé. WIN. This sweet little cocktail is perfect for all your summer showers and festivities (that we hope aren’t going to keep being cancelled!) Anywho, without further ado, meet our Cherry Drop Rosé.

Here’s what you’ll need:
1 bottle Chalkboard Rosé
Cherry Vodka
7 up
Bai Zambia Bing Cherry drink
Maraschino Cherries for garnish

And here’s how you do it:
Over ice, pour 7 up about 1/4 of the way up the glass. (We used a stemless wine glass for size). Next, add an equal amount of the Bai cherry drink. Next up, add a shot of cherry vodka, and then top with Chalkboard Rosé. As a final touch, drop a couple maraschino cherries in and serve!

Voila! So simple, so sweet. Per usual, it’s easy as pie and will have you refilling your glass! Plus, it’s so pretty and bubbly.. so if anything you’ll just love looking at it.

To see the video and how we made it, visit our Instagram page @corksandcheers!
Happy mixing, friends! Cheers!