Listen, ladies. We all know everybody’s doing their best to eat clean and be mindful of the harsh reality that swimsuit season is standing on our front porch knocking — but that doesn’t mean you can’t drink something delicious while being mindful, right?! Plus — you’ve all heard it: wine is from grapes, and grapes are a fruit. FRUIT. Let that resonate for a minute, okay?

Today we’re coming at you with an easy-to-make, easier-to-drink, crisp and refreshing little Sauvignon Blanc mixer. It literally calls for 2 ingredients and a few fruit slices to garnish…because we all know mama ain’t got time for fancy mixology between the soccer games and baseball tournaments and dance recitals and college graduations, amen?!

Here’s what you’ll need to make our Martin’s Rake Bubbly Blanc:

Yeah, girl. It’s that simple! And bonus — It really is as light, crisp, and refreshing as it looks.
Cheers, sister! Mindful eating or not, you deserve this one.