Tag Archives for " patio drink "

Tequila Rosé

Laaaaadies! We’re back with more summery goodness and today it’s all about our Tequila lovers! Doesn’t sunshine and warm weather just feel like the right time to drink all the tequila drinks AND all the rosé?! Sure, we kind of think this about the other 3 seasons, too, but if we’re being honest, there’s something about a good drink mixed with all things summer. Basically, all this rambling to say — you’re gonna want this drink! We are pleased to introduce you to our (your) brand new friend, Tequila Rosé!

Here’s what you’ll need:
1 bottle Rue de Perle Rosé
1 shot Patron (or tequila of choice)
1 tbsp lime juice
1/4 c strawberries
1 lime to garnish

And here’s how you make it:
Start by muddling your strawberries, but set 1 or 2 aside for garnish. Once muddled, add about 1tbsp strawberries to your glass. Over strawberries, add 1 shot of tequila. Add 1 tbsp lime juice, and top with chilled Rue de Perle Rosé. Garnish with strawberry & lime slices. 

And there you go! Easy drinks are our specialty around here, and this one is no exception. It’s the perfect drink to enjoy all summer long whether you’re planning a great big party or just hosting a little girls night with your favorites. Or maybe you just deserve a treat for keeping the kids alive and the house standing on any given weeknight — we are in full support of that reasoning, too. Regardless, we think you deserve this one! 

To see the video and how we made it, visit our Instagram page @corksandcheersdcheers!

Cheers, friends! 

Watermelon Splash

Ok, can we all agree that sunshine and summer and high temps are literally the redemption song of the WEIRDEST spring ever?! Because that’s how we feel..and it deserves celebration! And since we will take ANY reason to celebrate with wine around here, we have a delicious little twist on your regular old glass of Sauvignon Blanc to share with you — it’s our Watermelon Splash! THE. PERFECT. SUMMER. DRINK. (We totally know we’ve said that before but this might be the truest it’s ever been).

This drink is ACTUAL summer in a glass and fair warning: you may or may not intentionally over serve yourself on this one. It’s that good. AND it goes down like — you guessed it — water..melon.

So here’s what you’ll need:
– 1 bottle Chalkboard Sauvignon Blanc
– Sparkling water
– Lemon juice
– 1 bottle Kula Watermelon flavored Bai
– Watermelon chunks to garnish

And here’s how you make it:
In a glass, pour 1 part Bai Kula Watermelon (This is the magic ingredient for sure!), followed by about half a shot of lemon juice. Top with Chalkboard Sauvignon Blanc, and finish with 1 part sparkling water. Garnish with watermelon chunks, and enjoy! 

We promise you you’ll be sipping on this little lady ALL summer long. It’s crisp, light, and so very refreshing! Plus its gorgeous hot pink color is begging for a pretty little instagram pic… let’s be honest!

To see the video and how we made it, visit our Instagram page @corksandcheers!
Cheers to you and your fam and to what we’re hoping will be a somewhat normal summer for everyone!!
